Looking for a fun morning activity in Asakusa?


 It’s 9:30 in beautiful Asakusa, you woke up early to explore one of Tokyo’s most popular traditional areas…but everything is closed! Everything? Not us!

We thought of you, early birds: from December 19th 2016, Escape Hunt Experience Tokyo will open at 9:30 every day, with our first games starting at 10:00.

Come and solve our mysteries with a fresh mind: you will finish just in time for lunch and have the rest of the day to discover Tokyo’s other wonders. Bring your friends, your family, a date or colleagues to have a great adventure!


New opening times as of December, 19th 2016: 9:30~20:30 every day (last games start from 19:00).

Escape Hunt Tokyo, the perfect birthday present!

You're looking for an original present for your lover, a family member, or one of your friends? How about Escape Hunt Tokyo?

We recently received a special e-mail from a customer: they had booked a room as one of their friends' birthday without their knowing, and asked us if we could do something special for the occasion. We were really glad they asked, for we LOVE that kind of things! So we quickly bought a few party crackers to crack as soon as they would escape, and hid a little something in the escaping box...




 ...a lovely personalised message!

I think we can fairly say that they enjoyed the surprise!




If you, too, would like to arrange for a special birthday present, give us a call or send us an e-mail, and we'll do our best to make this special day unforgettable!


Why are live escape games the best activities for team building?

Looking for a innovative, fun and live to bond with your colleagues? Allow us to introduce the escape game, in seven points that make it a perfect team building activity!




1. It gives your employees an opportunity to combine their skills

Let's be realistic here. How many people do you know possess as many different skills as the genius detective Sherlock Holmes? Most of us only have (one or) a few very specific skills.

In this kind of game, rather than relying on one person to do the job, the players have to combine their different skills in order to solve puzzles and escape the room.




2. It is for EVERYONE

As opposed to bowling or karaoke, an escape game doesn't require great dexterity or a good voice: a little bit of logic and an open mind are enough to do the trick. Thus, children, women and men of all age can enjoy it!




3. It Ends the competition

Why is escape game a good activity for team building? Because the players have to join forces to succeed. One group, with a common goal. There is no competition within the team: only from good collaboration will come the potential to succeed.

If one person doesn't feel capable of solving the puzzle, the group can reorganize their ideas and together, find the solution.




4. You must use your best judgement: asking makes one appear foolish, but not asking makes one foolish indeed

In escape games, the hardest part is the time limit. If you spend too much time on the first puzzle, you will not be able to escape. But if you hurry too much and don't keep your cool, you won't escape either. You could ask for hints from your game master, but sometimes you are too much into the game and do not want to ask for help.

In such cases, one person will try to calm everyone down, and paying attention to the time limit, make the decision to ask for a hint. Such person will naturally be recognised by their teammates as a good team leader.




5. Enter a different fictive world each time, and escape from your daily life.

Entering an escape room means entering a new world, sometimes even a different time. By solving the mysteries of this new world, you will get a feeling of achievement that will relief the stress of daily life.




6. It's the perfect place to show your many talents!

The escape game will reveal many talents. Outside of the workplace, you will see your colleagues under a different light. You might even discover similarities between yourself and your colleagues, that you didn't know of.




7. Active communication!

You escaped and think it's over? Wrong! Of course, solving the puzzles was interesting, but debriefing is just as much fun.

"How did you find this clue? This one puzzle was hard! Were you faster than us? What kind of approach did you use to solve the puzzle? What did you enjoy most?"

Talking to each other about the escape game, everyone learns more. The escape game is thus two fun activities in one game!



Please contact us for details:



Spring is around the corner, and with it, Japan's famous cherry blossoms!

Tired of the cold and rainy weather? At Escape Hunt Tokyo, it is already Spring: sakura flowers are blossoming in our lounge!

From the 19th of March until the 10th of April, you will be served delicious japanese cherry blossom flavoured snacks after each of our fun games. And to make sure you enjoy the area as much as possible, we have prepared for the occasion a cute pocket-sized map of the different cherry blossom spots around our location.

So make sure you give us a little visit, and be one of the first to enjoy Spring in Tokyo!


International Women's Day at Escape Hunt Tokyo

This week, women are celebrated at Escape Hunt Tokyo!

International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. For this occasion, we, at Escape Hunt Tokyo, have decided to do something special for all our female customers: from the 7th till the 13th of March, our lady visitors can enjoy a 20% discount on all our rooms! So, if you are looking for something new, fun and challenging to do this week, come visit us at Escape Hunt Tokyo!




This month, we celebrate the Hina Matsuri at Escape Hunt Tokyo!

Also known as Girls' Day or Dolls' Festival, the Hina Matsuri, held on the 3rd of March, is a Japanese celebration dating back to the Heian period.

A few days before the 3rd of March, when the festival is held, little girls and their mothers display precious dolls representing the Emperor, his wife and the imperial court on an altar at home. Those dolls, which are sometimes passed down from generation to generation, are supposed to take away evil spirits and allow the girls to grow up healthily. Traditional cakes coloured pink (refering to peach flowers), white (refering to the snow) and green (refering to a new growth) are also placed on the altar.

On the day of Hina Matsuri, families get together and enjoy traditional dishes such as chirashi-zushi, clam soup served in the shell, and sakura-mochi.

For the occasion, we will be happy to share with you some hinaarare, the traditional snacks eaten for the festival, and show you how to do your own Emperor and Empress origami. So come to Escape Hunt Tokyo to celebrate the Hina Matsuri with us, and get to know a bit more about the Japanese culture!


